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Muslimah Hijrah

Having told me Muhammad bin Al 'Ala'; Having told us Abu Usamah; Having told us Buraid bin Abdullah of Abu Burdah from Abu Musa radlahuahu 'anhu he said; News of the departure of the hijrah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to Madinah arrived at us when we were in Yemen, so we departed to meet him with my two brothers, I was the youngest. Only Abu Burdah and only Abu Ruhm. -Word Abu Burdah; it seems Abu Musa said with about ten, or fifty-three, or fifty-two of my people - we boarded a boat, then the boat sent us to King Najasyi in Ethiopia, where we met Ja'far bin Abu Talib and lived with us until we can together go to Madinah. We met the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to coincide with him conquering Khaibar. Then some people who with the Prophet said to us - that is, the passengers of the boat - "We are more special than you because of hijrah", then Asma 'bint' Umais, -he was among those who came with us, passengers of the boat-met Hafshah the wife of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, coincidentally he also moved to Najasyi with a group of boats. Umar then met Hafshah who was Asthma at his side. When Umar saw Asma ', Umar asked; "Who is this?" 'I am Asma' bint Umais! 'Answer Asma'. 'Umar said; 'Did you join the muhajirin who rode a boat, or sailed the sea? ',' True 'Answer Asma'. Umar said; 'We are more special than you because you have migrated, and we are more entitled to Rasulullah than you guys! '. Hearing this expression, Asma 'bin Umais was directly emotional and said; 'No, by Allah, even your togetherness with the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam, so that he can feed the hungry and give the ignorant advice, while we are in a country or on earth that is far and arid in Ethiopia, and that is all for Allah and His Messenger, and for Allah's sake, we cannot feed the hungry, nor can we give a thirsty drink so I will report your words to the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam, we are also hurt and terrorized, and I will report them to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. By Allah, I will ask him, I will not lie, will not leave the truth, and will not add to it! 'When the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam arrived, Asma 'bint Umais conveyed her unions; 'O Prophet, Umar said so - He reported Umar's words which said he and his entourage were more special -. The Prophet asked: 'Then how do you answer? 'Asma' answered; 'I said that, "he said all the answers - the Prophet then said:' He, Umar, has no more right to me than you, he and his companions have only one hijrah, while you boat passengers have two migrations. ' Said Asma 'bint Umais;' After that I saw Abu Musa and the passengers of the boat meeting me one after another asking me this hadith. So that nothing of the worldly possessions could please them more, nor would they glorify over the words of the Messenger of Allah to them. ' Abu Burdah said, Asma 'said:' I saw Abu Musa repeatedly asking me to repeat this hadith. '

Having told us Waki ​​'told us Al Mas'udiy from Amru bin Murrah from Abdullah bin Al Harits Al Maktab, from Abu Kathir Az Zubaidiy of Abdullah bin' Amru, that there was a man asking the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa Greetings, he said; "What is the most important migration?" he replied: "That is you abstain from what has been hated by your Rabb, and there are two hijrah; Al Hadlir Hijrah and Al Badiy Hijrah. Al Badiy Hijrah is that you are always obedient when ordered, and always ready if called upon. Al Hadlir Hijrah is hijrah the heavier the test and the reward between the two migrations. "

Having told us Waqi 'told us Al Mas'udi. Dan Yazid said; had told us Al Mas'udi of 'Amru bin Murroh of Abdullah bin Al Harith Al Muktibi of Abu Katir Az Zubaidi of Abdullah bin' Amru, he said; The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said: "Be careful of you from the nature of the hermit, actually the hermit nature has destroyed the people before you, if that nature tells them to do wrong, they also do wrong, if they tell them to break their kinship too decide, if they make a sin they commit sin, so be careful of doing wrong, because tyranny is darkness on the Day of Resurrection, and be careful of your evil nature, because Allah does not like abominations and abominable words. " He says; then a man stood up and said: "O Messenger of Allah, what is the most important Muslim?" He replied: "That is a Muslim whose Muslims are safe from the dangers of verbal and hand." Dai said: then stand the man, or another man while asking: "O Messenger of Allah, what is the most important jihad?" He replied: "That is a person whose horse is injured and his blood is drenched." My father said; and Yazid ibn Harun said in his hadith, then this or the other exclaimed and said: "O Messenger of Allah, what is the most important migration?" He replied: "You stay away from something that has been hated by your Rabb, while the hijrah itself is twofold; Hijrah Al Hadlir and Hijrah Al Badiy. Hijrah Al Badiy is obedient when ordered, and always ready if called upon. As for Hijrah Al Hadlir is more hijrah the weight of the test and the reward between the two migrations. "

Having told us Abdullah bin Barrad Al Asy'ari and Muhammad bin Al Allaa Al Hamdani both said; Having told us Abu Usamah had told me Buraid from Abu Burdah from Abu Musa he said; "When we were in Yemen, we got information about the purpose of the hijrah which was ordered by the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam, then we also went to emigrate to the area (Habasyah). At that time we consisted of myself and two brothers my man. I am the smallest person, while my one brother is Abu Burdah and the other is Abu Ruhm. " Abu Musa said; 'They consist of several people or fifty-three people or fifty-two people from our people.' Abu Musa said; 'We sailed until carried away by our boat to Raja Najasyi in Habasyah. Then we joined Ja'far bin Abu Talib and his entourage on the side of Raja Najasyi. Ja'far said; 'Verily the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam has sent us here. Besides that, he also told us to stay here. Because of that, stay with you. ' Abu Musa said; 'Then we stayed with Ja'far until we all arrived.' Abu Musa said; 'We all met with the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam when he won the war of Khaibar. He gave us the spoils of war. He did not give any spoils of war to anyone who did not participate in the conquest of Khaibar, except for those who fought with him and those who joined our group with Ja'far and his friends. ' Abu Musa said; 'There are some people who told us who joined the migratory voyage to Habasyah; 'We outperform you on the issue of migration.' Abu Musa said; 'Asma' bint Umais, who belonged to our shipping group, had visited the house of Hafshah, the wife of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam. Asma 'had once moved to Raja Najasyi.' At one time Umar bin Khaththab entered the house of Hafshah, incidentally Asma 'was there. When Umar saw Asma 'in the house, he asked; 'Who is this, Hafshah? 'Hafshah answered; 'He is Asma' bint Umais! 'Umar asked again; 'Has he ever moved to Habasyah by sailing? 'Asma' bint Umais answered; 'Yes, I also moved to Habasyah.' Umar continued his words; 'Then we are more entitled to the Messenger of Allah than you.' Asma 'gets angry and says; 'You lie hai Umar! By Allah, you indeed accompanied the hijrah of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam.

But he feeds those who are hungry among you and gives advice to those who do not understand among you, while we emigrate to a very remote country in Habasyah which is full of challenges because of Allah and His Messenger. By Allah, I will not eat or drink before I report your words to the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam. Because we feel insulted and worried. Therefore, I will raise this issue with the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam. For the sake of Allah. I am not lying and not making it up. ' Abu Musa said; 'When the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam came to the house of Hafshah, then Asma 'immediately confronted him and complained about the problem that was holding him back; 'Yes the Messenger of Allah, Umar bin Khaththab said this and so.' Hearing the complaint of Asma bint Umais, the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam said:' Know by you Asma, Umar is not a person more entitled than you to me. Umar and his companions only received a reward for one reward. On the contrary, those of you who joined in the hijrah by riding the boat got two rewards for hijrah. ' Asma 'bint Umais said; 'After that, I saw Abu Musa and the companions who joined in moving to Habasyah by riding a boat coming in droves to ask me about this hadith. There is nothing in this world that is more pleasing and uplifting and what the Messenger of Allah said to them. ' Abu Burdah said; 'Asma' said; 'Really I saw Abu Musa and he asked me to repeat the hadith again. "


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