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Collection of Sholawat from the Hadith and Its Meanings

Collection of Sholawat from the Hadith and Its Meanings

• Please be practiced and shared, God willing to become Sadaqah knowledge of fingers whose reward flows even though we have passed away

from 'Amru bin Sulaim Az Zuraqiy had told me Abu Humaid as-Sa'idiy radliallahu' anhu that they said;

"O Messenger of Allah, how do we treat the king?"

Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Say; Allahumma shalli' alaa Muhammadin wa azwaajihi wa dzurriyyatihii kamaa shollaita 'alaa aali Ibrahim wa baarik' alaa Muhammadin wa azwaajihi wa dzurriyyatihii kamaa baarakta 'alaa aali Ibrahim innaka hamiidun majiid"

 (O Allah, give prayers to Muhammad, his wives and offspring as you have prayed to the family of Abraham and given Muhammad to his wives and offspring as you gave the family to Abraham. Indeed, Allah is praiseworthy and Most Glorious. ) ".

(Narrated by Bukhari 3369)

 had told me 'Abdullah bin' Isa he heard 'Abdur Rahman bi Abi Laila said; Ka'ab bin 'Ujrah met me then said;

 "Will you give me a gift that I heard from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam". I answer; "Yes, give me".

Then he said; "We once asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam;" O Messenger of Allah, how can we treat the lords of the Ahlul Bait while Allah has taught us how to convey greetings to you? ".

So He said: "Say; Allahumma shalli 'alaa Muhammadin wa' alaa aali Muhammad kamaa shollaita 'alaa Ibrahiim wa' alaa aali Ibrahim innaka hamiidun majid. Allahumma baarik 'alaa Muhammadin wa' alaa aali Muhammadin kamaa baarakta 'alaa Ibrahiim wa' alaa aali Ibrahim innaka hamiidun majiid "

(O Allah bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you have prayed to Ibrahiim and to the family of Ibrahim, in fact Engkah is Praiseworthy and Most Glorious. O Allah give Muhammad and the family of Muhammad just as you have given Abraham and his family Ibrahim, in fact Engkah is Praiseworthy and Most Glorious ".

(Narrated by Bukhari 3370)

@lamlam advice

Having told us Adam had told us Shu'bah had told us Al Hakam he said; I heard Abdurrahman bin Abu Laila he said; Ka'b bin 'Ujrah once met me, then he said; "Will I give you instructions? Verily the Prophet sallallaahu 'alahi wasallam had come out to meet us, then we asked," O Messenger of Allah, we have known the greetings to you, then how do you treat you?


 (O God give prayers to Muhammad and to the family of Muhammad as you have prayed to Ibrahiim, in fact Engkah is Praiseworthy and Most Glorious. O Allah give Muhammad and Muhammad's family the same as You have given Abraham, in fact Engkah is Praiseworthy and Most Noble)."

(Narrated by Bukhari 6357)

• Islamic advice

Having told us Ibrahim bin Hamzah told us Ibn Abu Hazim and Ad Darawardi of Yazid from Abdullah bin Khabbab from Abu Sa'id Al Khudri he said; we ask; "O Messenger of Allah, we have known the greetings to you, then how do we treat?" he replied: "Say it; ALLAHUMMA SHALLI 'ALAA MUHAMMAD' ABDAS THE WARSUULIKA KAMAA SHALLAITA 'ALAA IBRAAHIM WA BAARIK' ALAA MUHAMMAD WA'ALAA AALI MUHAMMAD KAMAA BAARAKTA 'ALAA IBRAHIIM WA' ALAA AALI IBRAHIIMA (O Allah give prayers to Muhammad servants and messengers- Thou, as Thou hast prayed to Ibrahiim, and give Muhammad and Muhammad's family the same as You have given Abraham, and the family of Abraham). "

(Narrated by Bukhari 6358)

Having told us Abdullah bin Maslamah of Malik from Abdullah bin Abu Bakr from his father from 'Amru bin Sulaim Az Zuraqi he said; has told me Abu Humaid As Sa'idi that they said; "O Messenger of Allah, how do we treat you?" he said: "Say it; ALLAHUMMA SHALLI 'ALAA MUHAMMADIN WA AZWAAJIHI WA DZURRIYYATIHII KAMAA SHALLAITA' ALAA AALI IBRAHIM WA BAARIK 'ALAA MUHAMMADIN WA AZWAAJIHI WA DZURRIYYATIHII KAMAA BAARAKTA' ALAA AALI IBRAHIM INNAKA HAMIIDUN MAJIID" (Yes Allah give prayers to Muhammad, wife his wife and his offspring as You have given prayers to the family of Abraham and given Muhammad to his wives and offspring as You gave the family of Abraham a blessing. Verily you are All Praised and Most Glorious. "

(HR. Bukhari 6360)

@lamlam advice

Having told us Yahya bin Yahya at-Tamimi he said, I read before Malik from Nu'aim ibn Abdullah al-Mujmir that Muhammad ibn Abdullah bin Zayd al-Ansari and Abdullah bin Zaid whom he was the one who was given instructions in regard to the call for prayer (adzan), he had told it from Abu Mas'ud al-Ansari he said, "the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam came to us while we were in the assembly Sa'd bin Ubadah, then Bashir bin Sa'ad said to him,' Allah ordered us to say prayers upon you, O Messenger of Allah, then how do you treat you? Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Say,' ALLOOHUMMA SHOLLI 'ALAA MUHAMMAD WA'ALAA AALI MUHAMMAD, KAMAA SHOLLAITA' ALAA AALI IBROOHIIMA WABAARIK 'ALAA MUHAMMAD WA'ALAA AALI MUHAMMAD KAMAA BAAROKTA' ALAA AALI IBROOHIIMA FIL'AALAMIINA INNAKA HAMIIDUN MAJIID . " O God, give prayers to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you offer prayers for the family of Abraham, and bless blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you give blessings to the family of Abraham in the world. You are Praiseworthy and Most Glorious. ' And greetings as you know. "

(HR. Muslim 405)


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