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Best Bukhari Hadith

Best Bukhari Hadith

It has been told to us that Sadaqah bin Al Fadhl said that he had told us Ibn 'Uyainah said I heard Muhammad bin Al Munkadir that he heard Jabir say; "The body of my father who was torn to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam was put in front of him. Then I went to reveal his face but my people forbade me. Then I heard a shout, which turned out to be his daughter' Amru or sister 'Amru. said: "Why are you crying?" or: "Do not cry. Really the Angels always kept sheltering it with their wings. "I asked Shadaqah:" Was there while being lifted up? "He replied: It seems like he said".

(Bukhari Hadith : 2816)

Having told us Abu Al Yemen told us that Shu'aib said, Ibn Shihab: "Every child who dies must be sacred even if the child is the result of adultery because he was born in a state of Islamic fithrah, if both people claim to be Muslim or only their father claims to be religious Islam even though the mother is not Muslim as long as the child is born giving a voice (crying) and is not sacred if when he is born the child does not have time to make a sound (crying) because it is considered miscarriage before it is perfect, based on the words of Abu Hurairah radliallahu 'anhu who said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihiwasallam said: "No child is born unless he is born in a state of fithrah. So then the two parents will make the child become a Jew, Christian or Magi like the cattle that give birth to cattle perfectly. Do you see any defect in him? "Then Abu Hurairah radliallahu 'anhu said, (quoting the word of Allah QS Ar-Ruum: 30 which means: (' As the nature of Allah who has created man according to that nature ').

(Bukhari Hadith : 1358)

Having told us 'Abdullah bin Yusuf had told us Malik from Ibn Shihab from Abu Bakar bin' Abdurrahman from Abu Mas'ud Al Anshariy radliallahu 'anhu that the Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wasallam forbade money from buying and selling dogs, dowry of an adulterer and wages shaman's payment.

(Bukhari Hadith : 2237)


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